Monday, March 9, 2020

I eat low carb.  I love to tell people I eat Keto, however, that would be a lie. 
I eat low carb because I dont want diabetes.  Yes, you can show it the Cross by taking control of your eating and not feed the sugar monster.  I can link to ways you can learn, but lets face it, if you are on the innerwebs hereabouts, you can look that up.. for realz people.
I have learned so much following some blogs, ibreatheimhungry,  twosleevers, and many more.  I love trying recipes to help me have great food and stay on track.
One of the latest Keto/Low carb crazes is the CHAFFLE.. oh lort, chaffle.
Apparently its a cheese concoction which is made in one of those $10 waffle iron with shallow squares.  Hmm, only a Belgium waffle maker here, and i have read its too deep for the chaffle. I get it, it is a great substitute for a sandwich experience, or other things people use them for.  I come close to a waffle and i want butter and syrup on it, enough syrup to dip a slab of bacon into!  I was never happy with some of the low carb recipes for "waffles" so i started cruising all sorts of recipe sites and continually tweaking, i finally came up with THE PERFECT WAFFLE.
I will share this recipe, along with other amazing things I have found to advance the cause of low carb or keto eating.
Inspired, just this evening to revisit my long lost blog, i made Schnitzel,  Wiener-schnitzel.   One for my husband, and one for me, from a pork chop-like cut.  I made his with the usual recipe with flour and breadcrumbs, but mine, i made with pork rinds turned into crumb by my trusty Ninja.   As i was putting away leftovers, I tasted one tiny sliver of the one i made for him.. meh.. bland, it was ok, but holy moly.. mine was so much tastier with the pork rind grind.  wow,  no, WAY better.   Thats when it hit me. Im not sacrificing a THING... those poor carb eaters are the ones sacrificing.
I have decided to share with you, some recipes, observations, pantry essentials and all around thinking process.
I have to lose more weight.. I have been at a standstill for a couple of years now, and its time to get that changed up some as i still need to lose about 40 more pounds. 
I have been deluding myself for a couple of years, after losing the first 40, that i was in a good place, which i maintained for a good long while, just so i could have wine, often.
Its OVER.  The next 40 is dead ahead.
more water, less wine... Much less.
Less wine, less food, less volume, less whining, less excuses, less. 
I love to cook, and im tired of working so hard and not getting any where but right here where i have stood for too long.
Time for less.   Less me.

I will start with sharing my baking mix used for waffles and a quick breakfast bread type substance.

1 cup almond flour
1 cup coconut flour
1 cup protein powder
1/4 cup chia seed  whole or ground
1/2 cup psylium
3 rounded tbsp baking powder

Combine in a canister and shake or stir thoroughly.